This recipe is only for durian lovers! Yeahh...you know some peoples unfriendly with this fruit especially because of the smell. As usual most of foods in my blog comes from simple recipe and also this one, so easy, smooth & durian tastefully. You just need some slices of white bread, durian, coconut milk and sugar as main ingredients.
I get this recipe from my mother in law, she'll never dissapoint in cooking term, you're gonna to belive it! :) In future, i have plan to share to you our family recipe since many of them are sophisticate for me. But this is still in my mind, dont expect to much and pls consider about the mood hehehe...
Well...lets me to show you about the recipe even its not created by my self :))
Kolak Durian
8 pieces durian, move the seed
3-4 cup thin coconut milk
10-15 tbsp sugar
1 tsp salt
1 sheet pandan leaf
10 slices white bread, chopped as cube
How to :
Make durian as crumble with hand.
Pour coconut milk in it. Add sugar and salt.
Whisk and heat until boiled.
Put the chopped bread to the bowl and pour the durian sauce.
Maybe you still worry if you eat this food your tummy will stay in air fulfilled condition, and i can say it will not happen. Dont bother with durian gas since it will reduce while we cook. Just enjoy in cold or hot and the taste will be the same. :)
wah... kyknya enak nih..
pas bgt, sekarang lagi banyak duren montong.. eh, kalo mamaku, pernah bikin juga nih... cuma gulanya pake gula merah... mirip kayak bikin kolak biasa cm dicemplungin duren ajah
hmm.. yummy..
mau coba buat weekend ini ah mba pru.. ;)
eh iya, ini mirip2 yg dari padang, tapi klo yg dr padang pake ketan, tapi aku lupa apa namanya :D
alo dewiii!!gmn kbrnya skrg?udah isi ya?*hehehe..pertanyaan std buat org yg abis merit*
hooo..rupanya tau juga ya makanan ini, kalo aku baru pertama kali nyicipin wi, ternyata enak ya.
cieehh neng Yuli udah rajin masak nihh, buat aa' yah?? :P
kalo ga salah yg dr Padang namanya lemang Yul...
hai prue... kabar baek... mohon doanya aja biar "isi" hehehe...
iya.. tau makanan ini... enyak..enyak..enyak..
btw, klo mamaku... durennya dicemplungin ajah, ga repot2 misahin ama bijinya, biar pas makan aja dipisahin sama yg makan :D
gitu yah?? boleh dong share resepnya di blog nya Dewi,ntar kapan2 tak cobain dehh hehehe...
hampir sama kok ratri kyk buatanmu cuma bedanya pakai gula merah trus duriannya dicemplungin ajah pas terakhir2 gt... hehehe
baiklah dew..bisa dipraktekan lain kali nihh :)
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